Content Writing | Neat Nutrition

In over 3 years managing content for Neat Nutrition, I’ve written A LOT of articles about health, fitness, self care, and more specifically, protein powder. My brain is a bizarre encyclopaedia of protein related facts, and I’m your go-to girl for any supplement-based query or concern. It might not be my most practical skill, but it’s one I possess nonetheless!

With hundreds of blogposts and recipes to choose from, it wasn’t an easy task to pick just a few favourites to share here. I’ve included interviews with two very inspiring human beings, a few nuggets of nutrition-based wisdom, and even a classic Neat recipe round up that hopefully proves - once and for all - that vegans really can get plenty of protein…

The Non-Negotiable Self Care A Nutritionist Does To Fuel Her Success…

In 2011, Phoebe Wynn Jones was driving down Pacific Coast Highway when she was in a head-on collision with a truck. She spent four months in hospital and was told she’d never walk again. But, thanks to a friend, she learnt the benefits of proper nutrition (healing bones and soft tissue that she was told was too damaged to repair) and made a miraculous recovery. After changing her major to Biochemistry, she’s now been working as a nutritionist for the past 7 years, priding herself on being balanced, science-based and results-driven, always adjusting her approach to the individual.

I caught up with Neat’s wonderful friend Phoebe to get a glimpse into her daily life – from how she fuels her busy lifestyle and demanding career, to the non-negotiable habits of self-care she commits to every day…

Read the full article, here.

The Worst Things To Do When You Can’t Sleep (And What to do Instead)

We’ve all experienced the staggering impact of a bad nights sleep. There’s no worse feeling than grappling with a bout of insomnia, knowing there’s only a few short hours before you need to get up and seize the day.

In such a situation, some try counting sheep, others binge Netflix or just lay in bed getting more and more frustrated. But are any of these popular choices actually going to help you get any shut-eye before your 9am meeting? Here are 7 of the worst things people do when they can’t sleep, and what you should try instead…   

Read the full article, here.

The Lowdown On Whether You Should Eat Before A Run

Much like how every runner will prefer a different training style and motivational playlist, whether you eat before a run is a very individual preference. It can be a tricky decision to make, made more challenging with changing schedules, busy lifestyles, varying hunger, and food availability. Get it wrong and your performance and enjoyment will be hindered by your depleted energy supplies, or by the struggle to keep down your morning bowl of porridge.

Some will swear by ALWAYS eating before a run, no matter the intensity, but others will feel faster and stronger when fasting. Although we can’t make this decision for you, we do have some handy tips to help you figure this out...  

Read the article, here.

Should You Take Protein On Rest Days?

Albeit an unusual choice for a round up of my favourite articles, this blogpost has gained over 28,950 hits in its lifetime, showing just how much the supplement industry is still fraught with confusion. So, is it beneficial to take protein powder on rest days? Or should protein powder only be consumed on training days? Here’s the answer…

Read more, here.

Co-Founder Lee On Finding Work-Life Balance Whilst Growing A Global Business

Find out how Neat Nutrition’s CEO, Lee Forster, finds that allusive work-life balance whilst juggling a growing global business, a hectic travel schedule, training, and a young daughter…

“One of the best mottos that I have ever heard about ‘work’ is one that I like to live by: if you love what you do, then you’ll never work a day in your life.”

 Read the full article, here.

Tired Of Tofu? Here’s 10 Alternative High-protein Recipes For Veganuary…

There’s not many rhetorics more tiresome than; “but how do vegans get enough protein?”

As it turns out, they can do so with ease, and without tirelessly chomping down on blocks of bland tofu either. To prove this theory once and for all, here are some of my favourite quick and easy, high-protein recipes to help you reach your goals without a soybean in sight…

Read the full article, here.